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mdom mdom is offline
Default   #961  
331. Have you ever entered your house in the house contest?

No, and this is not gaia
Old Posted 08-04-2019, 04:33 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #962   Kaderin Triste Kaderin Triste is offline
292. Have you ever made someone else cry?

Probably when I was a kid, but not that I know of as an adult.
Old Posted 08-04-2019, 04:38 PM Reply With Quote  
mdom mdom is offline
Default   #963  
332. Have you ever entered your art in the art contest before?

In solia I did
Old Posted 08-04-2019, 05:26 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #964   Kaderin Triste Kaderin Triste is offline
293. Is this quiz annoying you?

Yes because it's so obvious that there was almost no real editing of questions, so there are many that are too similar, exactly the same, or are clearly asking about features that this site doesn't have.
Old Posted 08-04-2019, 05:55 PM Reply With Quote  
Merskelly Metalien Merskelly Metalien is offline
Icy Footed
Default   #965  
#727. Have you ever done a belly flop?

Yessssss. e~e; I remember it was..not fun..I still have flashbacks about it. >_>;

^^^Click to go to my pond hangout^^^ ^^^ Click to go to my frickin' art shop ^^^

Old Posted 08-04-2019, 09:13 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #966   Kaderin Triste Kaderin Triste is offline
294. Using emoticons on trisphee what are you feeling right now?

Old Posted 08-04-2019, 10:31 PM Reply With Quote  
Kitalpha Hart Kitalpha Hart is offline
Hakuna matata
Default   #967  
Imma do them 100 at a time

1. How much aurum do you have right now? 371.24
2. How much aurum would you like to have? At least one more lol
3. Do you think you'll finish this quiz? I'm doing it al later once
4. Why are you doing this quiz? To make a post
5. Do you have a dream avi? Kinda? I do have a quest thread for stuff
6. Are you questing for anything? Lotsa things
7. Do you like trisphee's layout? Why can't I put things in a spoiler tag so it's not super long
8. Do you like trisphee? It's really slow
9. What's your favorite trisphee event? Never experienced one
10. Do you go on forums much? Naw
11. Have you donated anything before? Once
12. Are you in a guild? Does this place have guilds?
13. What's your favorite food? Depends on my mood
14. What's your favorite course at a meal? Looool courses
15. What's your favorite beverage? Root beer
16. What's your favorite letter? Lol
17. Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi
18. Black or White? White
19. Black or Yellow? Black
20. Demonic or Angelic? Yes
21. Tv or Computer? Computer
22. i-pod or mp3 player? I have an ipod somewhere
23. i-pod or cd-player? iPod for more songs
24. Animation or Cartoon? Anime
25. Beach House or Island retreat? Prolly island
26. Donator or Slot Jackpot? What
27. Las Vegas or Las Angeles? Only been to Vegas once, never been to the other
28. New Zealand or New England? Never been to New Zealand
29. Australia or America? Never been to Australia
30. Superhero or being normal? Normal
31. Aurum or items? Items
32. Girl or Boy? Meh
33. Are you famous? On a local level, I have some
34. What color is your hair? Dirty blonde
35. Are you a boy or a girl? Why
36. Are you wearing a hat? Usually
37. Are you wearing socks? Usually
38. What clothes are you wearing? (Give a description)! Pjs that don't look like pjs
39. Do you like this quiz? Eh
40. How old are you? Old enough
41. Are you happy with that age? Meh
42. What time is it where you live? After midnight
43. What continent do you live in? NA
44. What's the most embarrassing movie you've ever watched? Anything romantic. Blech
45. Is this quiz earning you a lot of aurum? Lol
46. What's the worst thing you've ever ate? Off the top of my head, avocado
47. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Shapeshifting
48. Are you sitting near a cactus? No
49. If you could redo any moment of your life what would it be? Why
50. what's the craziest thing you've ever done? Broke a state park rule
51. Are you an animal person? Yes
52. How many people do you have in your family? (including you). What definition? Nuclear? Extended?
53. How many pets do you have? Three cats
54. What grade are you in? Graduated
55. Do you know what time-zone are you in? EDT
56. What's your favorite pop product? (coke or pepsi) hey a repeat question
57. What's your favorite flavor? Black licorice
58. Do you hate the dentist? Never been to one
59. Do you hate the doctor? Naw
60. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? -waves aromantic flag-
61. Are you wearing a hat? Usually do
62. Have you ever had lice? Idk
63. Do you have a cellphone? I'm on it
64. Do you have any siblings? Full? No. Half? Yes
65. Does anyone beside you in your family go on trisphee? Doubt they've ever heard of it
66. Is this quiz long? Ye
67. Is it long enough for you? Idk
68. Do you like school? Ick
69. Do you like homework? LOL
70. Do you like your teacher(s)? Depended on the teacher
71. How many trispheeaccounts do you have? One
72. Are you happy with that number? Ye
73. Have you ever got gum stuck in your hair? Idk
74. Ever got gum stuck on your shoe? Ye
75. Ever get gum stuck on anything? Ye
76. Do you have a i-pod? Nano fifth gen
77. Would you rather be a child or an adult? They both have their perks
78. Is this quiz boring you to death? Naw
79. Is this quiz worth it? Naw
80. Ever entered in the arena? Was it worth it? This is ripped from Gaia isn't it
81. Do you have a trading pass? Lol
82. Do you have a shop? I might open one for card readings but idk
83. Do you like cookies? Some
84. Do you like pickles? Yum
85. Do you like milkshakes? Chocolate
86. Do you like ice cream? Ye
87. Ever had sushi? Ye
88. Ever had octopus? No
89. Do you drink alcohol? Blech
90. Are you a grammar freak? If something demands literacy, yes
91. Would you consider yourself rich? No
92. Would you consider yourself poor? Definitely
93. Do you keep up with trisphee news? What news
94. Do you keep up with trends in fashions? Lol
95. What's a tv show you watched when you were little? How about a channel: PBS Kids
96. Do you like bugs? Eh
97. What's your most memorable quote? QUOTES ARE WORTHLESS
98. What's your most memorable moment? "The landscaping this year sucks
99. When's the farthest back you remember? Clearly or vaguely?
100. What's your favorite book? I have to choose?


Originally Posted by Merskelly Metalien View Post
Kitalpha is a face again! 8O
Originally Posted by Voidbarker View Post
hart is now a face again. rejoice.

if you read this you owe me one aurum
Old Posted 08-05-2019, 12:39 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #968   Kaderin Triste Kaderin Triste is offline
295. Have you done any other quiz's lately?

Nah. There aren't any other quizzes on here and I got bored with buzzfeed and other online quizzes in 2017, so I generally don't do quizzes anymore.
Old Posted 08-05-2019, 12:57 AM Reply With Quote  
Kitalpha Hart Kitalpha Hart is offline
Hakuna matata
Default   #969  
101. Do you like music? Yeah? ye
102. What's your favorite band? at the moment? no band, he's technically flying solo
103. What's your favorite song? idk
104. What's some of your must haves? food, shelter, the basics
105. What career do you want to have when you grow up? I am grown up. idk still lol
106. Do you have a fireplace? wood burning, our winter heat source
107. What's the last thing you ate? cookies
108. Do you go on trisphee much? naw
109. Does any of your friends go on trisphee? naw
110. Have you ever sat on a cactus? why
111. Have you ever even seen a cactus up close? yup
112. Do you put salt and pepper on a lot of things? nope
113. Do you like muffins? depends on who made them
114. Do you like turtles? meh
115. Do you like pizza? homemade
116. What's the last time you had a trade? on here?
117. Post each emoticon in separate posts. no
118. Post each letter in the alphabet in separate posts. no
119. Post each character in your username in separate posts. no
120. Post each letter in TRISPHEE in separate posts. no
121. Say Bump 10 times. no
122. Count down from 25. no
123. Have you ever made a petition before? a serious one? no. joke ones? yes
124. What color shoes do you have? black
125. What's the brand name of your shoes? ...idk they're steeltoes
126. What career do you want to take on as an adult? not retail or food servicd
127. Have you had any dreams recently? most likely
128. Do you eat a lot of fast food? not really
129. Do you like fast food? depends on the place
130. What's your favorite candy? depends on my mood
131. What's your favorite number? lol
132. What's your favorite season? fall
133. What's your favorite holiday? Thanksgiving
134. Have you advertised this thread? no
135. Do you watch naruto? ever have
136. Do you watch Inyuasha? never have
137. New or newbie? whatever
138. Offline or Online? invisible
139. How or Where? how
140. Why or What? what
141. Are you earning a lot of aurum? no
142. Do you like chainletters? they're dumb
143. Do you do chainletters? see above
144. Do you make chainletters? no
145. Are you sad they removed the 'send to all friends' at the pm's? the what now
146. Have you ever owned a pet? I have three right now
147. Are you allergic to anything? bees
148. What's the craziest question anyone's ever asked you? idk
149. Do you like reading? ye
150. What's your favorite subject? history
151. Day or Night? night
152. Twilight or Dawn? twilight, and not the book or movie
153. Starlight or Daylight? starlight
154. Can you play an instrument? trombone
155. What's your favorite day of the week? no
156. Inside or Outside? in
157. What's your favorite fruit? depends on my mood
158. What's your favorite cereal? eh
159. What's your favorite veggie? CORN
160. Light or Dark? dark
161. Do you like bowling? I'm terrible
162. What's your favorite flavor? meh
163. Possible or Impossible? imp
164. Plaid or Stripe? stripe
165. Marker or Crayon? crayon
166. Pen or Pencil? pencil
167. Friend or Foe? neutral
168. Colored Pencil or Sharpie? pencil
169. What's your favorite thing to do on the computer? don't have one
170. Are you a republican or democrat or independent? independent
171. Are you able to vote yet? not registered
172. How often do you go on trisphee? maybe twice a day for 10 seconds
173. Are you active or inactive in trisphee? very inactive
174. What's your favorite website? not this one
175. What items are equipped on your avi? nothing fancy
176. What's the weather like where you live? depends on the hour
177. What's the first thing you do in the morning? wake up
178. Are you wearing pajamas? ye
179. Do you do pranks much? naw
180. What's your favorite website? lol
181. How much commons do you have? very little
182. How many junk items do you have? gaian, I think
183. How many tokens do you have? definitely gaian
184. Have you ever invited any friends to trisphee? no
185. Ever made your own thread on the forums? only two
186. Ever tried eating Trisphee? what
187. Do you go to the marketplace often? gaian
188. Ever tried to belly dance? no
189. Have you bought anything from the rune shops? ye
190. What's your favorite day you like? a day I have nothing to do and there's plenty of food
191. What's your favorite tv station? HGTV
192. About how much aurum have you earned so far from this quiz? lol
193. Have you done the poll? loool
194. Ever gotten on a black list before? yup. for pointing out the obvious, too. that thread didn't get any posts after
195. Do you think the Aurum list is original? what
196. What do you think of the quiz? meh
197. Do you think the name 'fanny' is funny? naw
198. Ever wrote a novel? naw
199. Is this quiz taking a while? ye
200. Are you scared of clowns? idk


Originally Posted by Merskelly Metalien View Post
Kitalpha is a face again! 8O
Originally Posted by Voidbarker View Post
hart is now a face again. rejoice.

if you read this you owe me one aurum
Old Posted 08-05-2019, 01:50 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #970   Kaderin Triste Kaderin Triste is offline
296. Did you know by now I'm almost done typing the quiz?

Um....well yeah. Because this quiz is clearly 6+ years old, so you're 100% fully done typing it by now so...
Old Posted 08-05-2019, 02:06 AM Reply With Quote  
Kitalpha Hart Kitalpha Hart is offline
Hakuna matata
Default   #971  
201. Have you ever fainted? ye
202. Smart or Popular? smart
203. What question have you enjoyed the most on this quiz? no
204. Why are you still doing this quiz? boredom
205. Do you own a house? no
206. Squares or circles? circle
207. Finish this sentence "Spiders are crawling up..." no
208. What's the oldest person you know? grandpa
209. Did you know you're on question 209? ye
210. Do you like needles? NO
211. Ever ate dog food? no
212. What about cat food? (lol) no
213. Ever gotten hacked? idk
214. Do you like the hospital?meh
215. Ever bought anything from the event store? what
216. Sad you're not done with the quiz yet? naw
217. Are you scared of monkeys? naw
218. Ever create a successful thread? not here
219. Do you like rpg? ye
220. Does the word 'old' mean anything to you? ye
221. Do you smoke? ew
222. Do you drink? ew
223. Pick a random number 1-100. What number is it? (Remember that number!) no
224. Do you think this quiz could go on forever? no
225. Are you a vegetarian? no
226. Are you a total carnivore? no
227. Are you on a laptop or computer? phone
228. Do you still remember the number I asked you to pick before? (still remember the number)! I picked no
229. What's the most expensive item you have? LOL
230. Have you sent a gift before? no
231. Have you donated to me? no
232. Have you advertised this thread? no
233. Do you have any pets? 3
234. What's the last book you read? Wolf Star
235. Did you know you have about 1000 more questions left? meh
236. Do you like cheese? no
237. Do you like ramen? ye
238. What question is this? boring
239. What do you like to put on your favorite food? why
240. How much money do you have in your wallet right now? idk
241. Are you at home doing this quiz? ye
242. What's your idea of the best day ever? one where I don't do squat
243. Do you go to youtube? ye
244. Have you pm'd me before? no
245. Remember the number before? Count from that number in separate posts. no
246. What's the greatest rip-off you've seen before on the marketplace? lol
247. Does your school have trisphee blocked in the computer lab? idk
248. What's the movie you are most embarrassed to admit you saw? lol
249. Silver or gold? silver
250. Sky or Land or Water? sky
251. Dogs or Cats? cats
252. Anka or Beta fishies? meh
253. Have you ever broken a bone? don't think so
254. Have you ever been to a concert? ye
255. Have you ever gone skinny dipping? ew
256. Are you happy you got about 1/4 of this quiz done? idk
257. What feeling are you feeling right now? blah
258. Are you emo? no
259. Are you punk? no
260. Are you goth? no
261. Ever break a promise? prolly
262. Summer or Winter? winter
263. Spring or Fall? fall
264. Shorts or Jeans? shorts
265. What's your favorite trisphee admin? idk
266. Do you like chocolate? ye
267. Do you live with your mother? ye
268. Have I ever repeated a question? ye
269. Do you have asthma? no
270. Do you have any kind of disease? have? no. had? yes
271. What's your favorite default color? uh...purple?
272. Is this the first quiz you've done before? no
273. Have you ever lied? ye
274. Do you a pool? what
275. Do you or anyone you know live at a hotel? no
276. Think of a random song. What song is it? Caramelldansen
277. Do you drive? technically
278. About how long has it taken you to get this far? idk
279. What is the item you use everyday or practically everyday? where?
280. When I say 'duck' what do you think of? quack
281. When I say the word 'chicken' what do you think of? kweh
282. When I say the word 'pudding' what does it make you think of? nom
283. Do you live in the suburbs? no
284. Do you live in a big city? no
285. Do you live in the country? ye
286. Do you live in a boring regular town? no
287. Have you ever been to a foreign country? despite what people say, Canada counts
288. Before you sat down at the computer, what were you doing? working
289. Are you annoyed at beggars? there aren't any here
290. What question number are you on? this one
291. When I say 'ants' you think of? black
292. Have you ever made someone else cry? ye
293. Is this quiz annoying you? naw
294. Using emoticons on trisphee what are you feeling right now? no
295. Have you done any other quizzes lately? naw
296. Did you know by now I'm almost done typing the quiz? no
297. Vanilla or Chocolate? chocolate
298. What day is it today? it today
299. What time is it right now? late
300. How long have you been doing this quiz? idk


Originally Posted by Merskelly Metalien View Post
Kitalpha is a face again! 8O
Originally Posted by Voidbarker View Post
hart is now a face again. rejoice.

if you read this you owe me one aurum
Old Posted 08-05-2019, 02:20 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #972   Kaderin Triste Kaderin Triste is offline
297. Vanilla or Chocolate?

Depends on exactly what it is. Scent? Vanilla. Taste? Depends on my mood usually. Both can be good.
Old Posted 08-05-2019, 02:49 AM Reply With Quote  
Kitalpha Hart Kitalpha Hart is offline
Hakuna matata
Default   #973  
301. Do you play any sports? no
302. What color is the sky? black
303. Are you racist? I hope not
304. Are you sexist? I hope not
305. Do you have ADD? idk
306. Do you have ADHD? idk
307. Do you like bees? so long they stay away from me
308. Are you chewing gum? no
309. Would you rather have your hair up or down? shoved into my hat
310. How much aurum do you have now? lol
311. Do you remember the number you said earlier on in the quiz without looking? my number was "no"
312. You and the opposite gender turn in a report written with the same things. (Who knows why) You get a B and the other person gets a A. What would you do?) clearly theirs was better written
313. For the question above did you answer kill them? naw
314. Have you ever been hacked? idk
315. What's your favorite question? no
316. Do you have an account on myspace? no
317. Do you have an account on youtube? I guess??
318. Yay you're on question 300! Are you bored yet? it's 318
319. Besides trisphee what's the last website you were on? others
320. Do you like onions? naw
321. What's your favorite quiz? no
322. By now do you have enough aurum for what your questing for? nope
323. How much more aurum do you want now? so much
324. Do you pick your nose? ye
325. Do you suck your thumb? no
326. Were you lying about the last 2 questions? no
327. Have you ever counted down from a million before? no
328. Have you ever lied before? ye
329. Were you lying about the last question? no
330. Have you entered your avatar in the avi contest before? no
331. Have you ever entered your house in the house contest? gaian
332. Have you ever entered your art in the art contest before? gaian
333. When's the last time you took a vacation? two weeks ago
334. Where was the last place you took a vacation at? Las Vegas
335. What's the worst thing that ever happened to you? got cancer
336. Do you have a job? kinda
337. Do you like math? naw
338. Are you failing anything? lol
339. What grade are you in? graduated
340. Have you ever gone sky-diving? no
341. Have you ever been bungee jumping? no
342. Do you live in the USA?ye
343. Have you ever been to the Bermuda triangle? no
344. Can you drive yet? technically
345. Have you ever been an a car accident? yup. idiotstick backed into us and then drove off
346. What's your favorite ice cream flavor? death by chocolate
347. What's your favorite pizza topping? cheese and pepperoni
348. Have you ever seen a shark up close before? no
349. Do you have a nickname? If yes what is it? Kit
350. Have you ever gotten stung by a bee? ye
351. Have you ever been to Las Vegas? once
352. Are you on a vacation right now? no
353. Do you have an i-pod? ye
354. Do you have an mp-3 player? no
355. Do you have a cd player? no
356. Ever heard of the i-phone? no
357. Did you really think you were done with this quiz? no
358. Have you ever helped out someone who was hacked? no
359. Have you ever served in the military? no
360. Should Trisphee have a Trisphee church? ew religion
361. What new things would you like to see at the Trisphee shops? lol
362. Do you think a Trisphee styled car would be cool? this is gaian
363. Would you like to have a full set of donation items given to you if you donated? If you donate to Trisphee and get a full set of armor with a weapon to outfit your AVI? what
364. Do you think it would be cool to have a Trisphee music station? naw
365. What kind of music would you like to have for this station? naw
366. Would you like to see more specialty shops on Trisphee? naw
367. How long have you been on Trisphee? not very
368. With all of the different AVI themes out there would you like to see Themed homes? gaian
369. As an example would it be cool to have the outside of your home look like a Gothic Structure or a Medieval castle? gaian
370. How many times a week do you log onto Trisphee? ...
371. What is the longest time spent on Trisphee? half an hour
372. What is the shortest time spent on Trisphee? five seconds
373. How often do you get bumped off line? lol
374. What is your favorite donation item? idk
375. Have you ever had breakfast for dinner? ye
376. What do you think about the Trisphee's planets? what
377. Would you like to see an expansion on in the Trisphee world? naw
378. If you could add a new game to the Trisphee what would it be? idk
379. Do you like how the Avatars look? meh
380. If you could change how they looked what would you change? idk
381. What pets would you like to see? what
382. Do you have a Trisphee pet? what
383. Do you have any brothers or sisters? technically
384. Older or younger? older
385. Do you play Video games? ye
386. What game systems do you have? DS Lite, 3DS, Switch
387. What is your all time favorite Video Game? idk
388. Have you ever been to a Video Arcade? maybe?
389. When was the last time you went? long time
390. Hand held or Console? Switch: yes
391. Flash light or oil Lamp? yes
392. Camping or amusement park? never veen camping
393. Video Cassettes or DVD? dvd
394. New car or Classic car? working
395. Cat person or Dog person? cat
396. Good book or TV? book
397. Card games or Board games? board
398. Spray paint or Paint brush? brush
399. Is this quiz getting hard yet? no
400. Magic the Gathering or Pokemon? neither


Originally Posted by Merskelly Metalien View Post
Kitalpha is a face again! 8O
Originally Posted by Voidbarker View Post
hart is now a face again. rejoice.

if you read this you owe me one aurum
Old Posted 08-05-2019, 02:55 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #974   mdom mdom is offline
333. When's the last time you took a vacation?

uhh my whole life is one but let's say late 2017
Old Posted 08-05-2019, 09:04 AM Reply With Quote  
Kaderin Triste Kaderin Triste is offline
Default   #975  
298. What day is it today?

Old Posted 08-05-2019, 09:07 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #976   mdom mdom is offline
334. Where was the last place you took a vacation at?

At the beach
Old Posted 08-05-2019, 01:06 PM Reply With Quote  

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