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Recilps.Eugor Recilps.Eugor is offline
Proud Army Wife. <3
Default ☪ʀσşş ℳყ Ħεαʀţ... {Rogue x Ed x Nikko}   #1  
☪ʀσşş ℳყ Ħεαʀţ...
...𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝖍𝖔𝖕𝖊 𝖙𝖔 𝖉𝖎𝖊...

This is a private roleplay bewteen Recilps.Eugor, Evil Ed and NikkoGallarado. Do NOT post, but feel free to read along.~



Hey, Draco...
I like your bed...
Can I Slytherin? ;D
Last edited by Recilps.Eugor; 11-18-2010 at 01:52 AM.
Old Posted 11-17-2010, 11:25 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #2   Recilps.Eugor Recilps.Eugor is offline
Proud Army Wife. <3

Radia "Dia" Crowley
Vampire Master

Age: N/A
Image: x

Hey, Draco...
I like your bed...
Can I Slytherin? ;D
Old Posted 11-17-2010, 11:27 PM Reply With Quote  
Evil Ed Evil Ed is offline
Number One Cataran
Default   #3  
Darmitri M Gallarado
Werewolf (gray wolf)
Age:110 <looks and act in his 20's>
:D"I deny your reality substitute my own":D

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-Nikko's chew love toy-
-Chasm The one I stalk -
-Kamikaze Chinchilla the eater of my shoes-
-Reyo my man taker-
-Airi's friend-

<>I'm friends with a crazed, cookie-loving suicidal rodent O3o and an evil, possessed, psyco doll <3<>
Old Posted 11-17-2010, 11:49 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #4   NikkoGallarado NikkoGallarado is offline
Capitan Marvelous~!
Vincent Puck Cross
Great Vampire
Age - Mid 20's
Image: http://fav.me/de9qz9

Nikko's Cosplay's,Nikko's Cosplay Cafe, Dapper Dreams Joint Venture
Cosplaying: N/A
Reyo is my Tropical Mistress ~ <3, Lucid is DELISH and the best nana ever!
Is known as Black Japan - Hetalia

Nikko is a beautiful prince.
Old Posted 11-18-2010, 12:04 AM Reply With Quote  
Evil Ed Evil Ed is offline
Number One Cataran
Default   #5  
Darmitri sigh as he walk out of the club, highly disappointed and a little annoyed. 'Ha! What a bunch of bullshit' he thought lighting up a cigarette and lend against the wall. Pushing his gray hair out from his eyes and looking up at the almost full moon. "Two more night uh" he said to himself letting the smoke rise from his cigarette in to the cold night air. The darkness of the back ally was comforting. He had such a bad night, the girl that he was with for about a week now dumps him for some asshole in the fucking club. "I need some space” she had said "Ha! Space, maybe between her legs" he laughs. The club's back door open up and a big man and a smaller woman came out laughing and kissing each other.
"So you doing this inside wasn't enough, you had to follow me out here to, Sara." Darmitri said looking at the now emearrassed redhead.
"Darmitri! I though you went home, why are you out here?" she asks, looking at him as if he was waiting for them to come outside.
Darmitri sigh rolling his eyes. "I came outside to get some fresh air, but...." he sighed putting out his cigarette and turning away.”.....I think I will be heading home, there seems to be too much SLUT in the air now" he smirks as Sara turn red.
"You little shit!!" the tall man yelled, as he made his way to punch Darnitri with his smelly hairy hand.
Reaching out Darmitri grabbed the man’s arm with little effort and throw him a cross the ally in to the wall. The man now lades unconscious mass on the ground, as Sara ran to the piece of shits side. "See this is why I hate you!!! You are just some freak!!!!" She yelled at Darmitri.
Darmitri turn away from her and made his way out of the ally on his way home. "This is why I hate humans."
:D"I deny your reality substitute my own":D

Get yummy pics of your self or gifts here. Great for birthdays. I'm very happy with it. http://trisphee.com/forums/showthrea...770#post507770
-Nikko's chew love toy-
-Chasm The one I stalk -
-Kamikaze Chinchilla the eater of my shoes-
-Reyo my man taker-
-Airi's friend-

<>I'm friends with a crazed, cookie-loving suicidal rodent O3o and an evil, possessed, psyco doll <3<>
Last edited by Evil Ed; 11-18-2010 at 01:09 AM.
Old Posted 11-18-2010, 01:05 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #6   NikkoGallarado NikkoGallarado is offline
Capitan Marvelous~!
Vincent sat on the roof top, crimson eyes glowed some as he looked over the city amused but ever so bored, has time really be that short or as he lived so long that nothing seemed to excite him any more. Slowly tilting his head to the side the vampire grinned fangs gleaming in the moon light the wind blew by, he couldn't tell what was really what any more but all he knew was that it was another night and something needed to be filled may it be hungry or a bed which ever one came first. Stretching then standing up walking over to the edge falling from the roof to the ground the vampire landed on the around with a thump cracking the ground then getting up walking away. "Hmmm, I should have landed more nicely." he thought to him self as he dusted of his chain pants. Vincent maybe old but he was catching up with the time. "Now to go and fill this need that lurks in me." he chuckled to him self.

Nikko's Cosplay's,Nikko's Cosplay Cafe, Dapper Dreams Joint Venture
Cosplaying: N/A
Reyo is my Tropical Mistress ~ <3, Lucid is DELISH and the best nana ever!
Is known as Black Japan - Hetalia

Nikko is a beautiful prince.
Old Posted 11-18-2010, 01:20 AM Reply With Quote  
Recilps.Eugor Recilps.Eugor is offline
Proud Army Wife. <3
Default   #7  
Radia was out at a club, as she often was, enjoying the loud repetitive music and free drinks that were thrown in her direction from every direction. Radia was a little unorthodox at best, wild and unkempt her father used to say, but what did this matter to her? It didn't. She wanted to drink alcohol and be around the ridiculously oblivious human race. That, was her calling. Her calling as a predator.

Radia, despite her personality, was gorgeous. Red locks that were currently tied behind her head, pale green eyes, and a figure that one could only describe as 'sinful'. Tonight, she was wearing a black corset top that pushed her breasts up tenderly, matched with a pair of tight leather pants that hung dangerously from wide, taunting hips. But something had caught her attention. Some conflict.

"This is why I hate you!" Ah, young love. She was beginning to lose interest, until the girl continued. "You're just some freak!" Radia stiffened. She didn't like that word. No, she'd heard it way too often, and even if it were aimed at someone else, it was punishable by death. A death that she could provide.

After the silver haired male made his exit, she made her entrance, glancing over at the girl. 'Sara', was her name. Or so she thought. "Freaks, darling? That's not a word you should throw around so lightly. Let me demonstrate..." She mused before closing in on the girl. This would be the last anyone would hear of or see... Sara.

Hey, Draco...
I like your bed...
Can I Slytherin? ;D
Old Posted 11-18-2010, 01:27 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #8   Evil Ed Evil Ed is offline
Number One Cataran
Darmitri made his was down the street from the club the leaded to his house. The cool wind hitting his face, making him more relax. ‘Maybe I should go for a run, it has been a long time, and the night calls for me.’ He thought smiling to himself. Moving off the street to his home and started on the way to the nearby woods. “This would be great” he smirked “A nice run will do me good after tonig……..?!?!?”. He stops at the smell of blood on the air. And not just any blood, human blood, his ex’s blood. “What the fuck did she do!?” he growl. Running back to the dark alley behind the club, and coming face to face not with his ex but with a very pretty woman. “Who….?”
:D"I deny your reality substitute my own":D

Get yummy pics of your self or gifts here. Great for birthdays. I'm very happy with it. http://trisphee.com/forums/showthrea...770#post507770
-Nikko's chew love toy-
-Chasm The one I stalk -
-Kamikaze Chinchilla the eater of my shoes-
-Reyo my man taker-
-Airi's friend-

<>I'm friends with a crazed, cookie-loving suicidal rodent O3o and an evil, possessed, psyco doll <3<>
Last edited by Evil Ed; 11-18-2010 at 01:59 AM.
Old Posted 11-18-2010, 01:57 AM Reply With Quote  
NikkoGallarado NikkoGallarado is offline
Capitan Marvelous~!
Default   #9  
Vincent looked into the ally way eyes glowing ever so slightly as his black red tipped hair hung over the crimson pools that watched the red-head remove the one called Sara from this world. A amused laugh softly left his lips just watching her as she left the girl with nothing at all. But all in due time he couldn't help but to think of the young man that was here just a bit ago. The light colored hair reminded him of someone but then dismissed the thought quickly then looked back to Radia.

"There is something about the way you look I like or could it be that aura you give off amuses me. . . .what can it be?" he said out loud to the girl, standing in the shadows still hie gaze shifted some seeing the young man return. "Why you look just like him. . . .I didn't think you would still be alive pup." the vampire smiled the same smile he would always smile when he would see a werewolf from the same blood line as him. This night was getting more interesting and it was starting to make him feel even more alive then he has ever felt before. "My, my this night is waking something deep with in me."

Then looked over to the young women. "You my dear need to be more careful what you are doing. . . .since you have some people after you and all." walking over to her.

Nikko's Cosplay's,Nikko's Cosplay Cafe, Dapper Dreams Joint Venture
Cosplaying: N/A
Reyo is my Tropical Mistress ~ <3, Lucid is DELISH and the best nana ever!
Is known as Black Japan - Hetalia

Nikko is a beautiful prince.
Old Posted 11-18-2010, 02:05 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #10   Recilps.Eugor Recilps.Eugor is offline
Proud Army Wife. <3
Radia turned and looked at the white haired male. Had that been the one she'd called a freak? A bit of pride glimmered in her eyes. She cocked her head to the side when he phrased his question. And then she realized. "Oh... Who are you... is that what you're trying to ask? Forgive me, in my old age I tend to be a bit... slow." Of course, this wasn't true. Radia was very sharp, ridiculously sharp, but the rush of blood in her ears caused her heart to pound, and that grating sound was all she could hear.

She wiped her mouth and looked down at the motionless body. "She didn't even put up a fight... rather disappointing if you asked me. I prefer fast food..." She said with a chuckle, although she was sure he wouldn't find his joke funny. And then, just as she was about to introduce herself, she heard a familiar voice. "Ah, Vincent. I was just about to introduce myself to this young man!" She had ignored his statement. What did she care about what the Council thought? She could handle herself, and she damn well would. She turned back to the white haired fellow. "I am Radia Crowley, but you may call me Dia, if we are to be friends. Will we be friends?" That was a honest question she thought about and she pushed her shoulders against the wall and looked up.

And then she noticed Vincent stepping closer. She turned her gaze sharply towards him and then back towards the white haired boy. "The brute is still alive... I could kill him too, I suppose. No harm in gorging at least once, right? I don't do it often." she said, ruffling her hair again, as her gaze once more turned upwards.

Hey, Draco...
I like your bed...
Can I Slytherin? ;D
Old Posted 11-18-2010, 02:35 AM Reply With Quote  
Evil Ed Evil Ed is offline
Number One Cataran
Default   #11  
Blood in the air was strong and over powering.Darmitri Look at this girl named Dia and back at his now dead ex and back to her. ‘Vampires!!’ Darmitri damn himself for not picking up on their sensed before. Stepping back and growling some. “So did you like your meal, Dia is it. Well she wasn’t that good smelling so I wouldn’t eat her, if you get sick, I’m sorry.” He smirk, he didn’t really mean, he did care about her a little and wouldn’t wish it on her. But when it came to Vampires you show any weakness you where fucked. Stepping back again and look to the male……maybe male vampire. ‘Vincent…. Why does that sound……?!” “You!!!” Darmitri yelled, pointing at the smiling vampire. “Your that fucking asshole Vampire my Grandfather told me about!!” he growled. “Stay away from me!!!” he step back and turn to run. This was not a good place for him to be. Just one wolf against two powerful vampires, even if the girl was ‘hot’ He growl at himself ‘Stop thinking about that kind of thing right now!’
:D"I deny your reality substitute my own":D

Get yummy pics of your self or gifts here. Great for birthdays. I'm very happy with it. http://trisphee.com/forums/showthrea...770#post507770
-Nikko's chew love toy-
-Chasm The one I stalk -
-Kamikaze Chinchilla the eater of my shoes-
-Reyo my man taker-
-Airi's friend-

<>I'm friends with a crazed, cookie-loving suicidal rodent O3o and an evil, possessed, psyco doll <3<>
Last edited by Evil Ed; 11-18-2010 at 03:16 AM.
Old Posted 11-18-2010, 03:13 AM Reply With Quote  
Default   #12   NikkoGallarado NikkoGallarado is offline
Capitan Marvelous~!
"This is why when I run into you my evening are never boring. . . . ." as he stood near her placed a hand under her chin looking her over some. "I say leave him be, since I do know his father and all. Well his grandfather I don't think he would be happy if his grandson was found lost of all blood after all." leaning in ever so slightly as if to kiss the red-head but pulled away a demonic smirk crossed his face then laughed his eyes widening some hearing about the room of old bats and spiders. "Please I could careless my self you should know this, I was just saying it cause I wouldn't want the one person that gives me joy in the world to suddenly be removed from the face of the earth~!" the tall man said quickly.

He then turned back to Darmitri the same wicked smile across his face eyes glowing beautifully in the dark. "And you how is your family? How is your slightly insane grandfather? Or what about your father and his twin?" he couldn't help but ask the Gallarado family was well known in Germany as the one who freed all mythical beings from the hands of Vamont. Vincent always got caught up in the moment and it was just something so fun for him that he loved the feeling of being alive and excited. He then went back to Dai placed a hand each side of her smirked some.

"Now I will be asking you this my lovely, lovely dear. Would you mind letting me come along with you while this game of cat and mouse starts till the end, you always bring amusement, excitement to the boring bored of life and if you let me, I will even play any game you wish to play." he said to her the grin on his face became more Cheshire cat like. Slowly looking over his shoulder he looked at the young wolf and smiled more if he could. "Your grandfather should teach his grandchildren to not use such language."

Nikko's Cosplay's,Nikko's Cosplay Cafe, Dapper Dreams Joint Venture
Cosplaying: N/A
Reyo is my Tropical Mistress ~ <3, Lucid is DELISH and the best nana ever!
Is known as Black Japan - Hetalia

Nikko is a beautiful prince.
Old Posted 11-18-2010, 03:16 AM Reply With Quote  
Recilps.Eugor Recilps.Eugor is offline
Proud Army Wife. <3
Default   #13  
She chuckled at what the Were had said, putting her hands in the air in a 'What can you do?' manner. She looked back down at the motionless body, still hearing that echoing word in her mind. "Well... that's a word we don't simply throw around..." Her voice turned harsh as she continued, "Not with me around..." She thought to use those black, four inch, open toed stilettos to show the body on the ground at her feet what for, but she was immediately distracted by a hand on her chin.

She listened to them speak back and forth before they each realized that they, in some way, knew one another. She was distracted again by a thought process of nothing in particular when she felt the hands on either side of her. Her pale green eyes fluttered to the face of the smirking male.

Now... his suggestion sounded... suggestive. She cocked her head to the side and leaned forward, pushing herself away from the wall. "This is fine, but I warn. I don't play very fair..." She purred tenderly. She was quickly snapped out of her guise as a slew of rather hateful words spat from the Werewolf's mouth. She gasped as she turned her head towards him.

"Awful, awful Were!" She saw the young wolf turn to run. Well, the seemingly young wolf. She didn't quite feel like giving a chase, especially not in these heels, but what could she do? She put an elegant hand on Vincent's chest and turned, within seconds, she was before the Were, pale eyes narrowed, hand on his chest to stop him, pressing him back against the damp brick of the allyway. "It is very rude to walk away when a person is talking to you..." She hissed, low and slow. Now, this may have been a dangerous situation, for a human. But he was no human, and Radia was aware of this. "Now..." She let him go and made distance between them. "What is your name...?"

Hey, Draco...
I like your bed...
Can I Slytherin? ;D
Old Posted 11-18-2010, 05:53 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #14   Evil Ed Evil Ed is offline
Number One Cataran
Darmitri blink with surprise to find the female Vampire in front of him. ‘I knew I shouldn't have stayed as long as I did’ he thought as he was push up against the cold wall. “My name……. Is Darmitri Gallarado” he asserted. Knowing very will that if he didn’t say anything he could end up dead. “I’m sorry if I end mass up your meal and all, but I did need to see what happen. But since what done is done…….I will be on my way” the wolf said as a little bit of sweat ran down his face. “I’m sure you and Vincent have a lot to catah up on, so it was nice to meet you.” Darmitri went to move. He wasn’t sure what would happen if he was around these two for too long. Vampires and Werewolves either fight, eat one or other or a master salve thing going on, and he wasn’t about to end up being mark.
:D"I deny your reality substitute my own":D

Get yummy pics of your self or gifts here. Great for birthdays. I'm very happy with it. http://trisphee.com/forums/showthrea...770#post507770
-Nikko's chew love toy-
-Chasm The one I stalk -
-Kamikaze Chinchilla the eater of my shoes-
-Reyo my man taker-
-Airi's friend-

<>I'm friends with a crazed, cookie-loving suicidal rodent O3o and an evil, possessed, psyco doll <3<>
Last edited by Evil Ed; 11-18-2010 at 06:44 PM.
Old Posted 11-18-2010, 06:40 PM Reply With Quote  
NikkoGallarado NikkoGallarado is offline
Capitan Marvelous~!
Default   #15  
Vincent walked over some stood by watching. "A child like him wouldn't understand he hasn't been alive along enough to understand anything. No as long as you and I or even his grandfather. His family is as old the 1800's living till this day. Wonderful is it not? His grandfather who abused a vampire in his youth and now tries to ask for us to for give his sin." he grind again body slowly swaying from side to side. Vincent was feeling so awake so alive he couldn't help it as he appeared behind Dai placing a hand under her chin softly nuzzling her neck looking at the wolf before them.

"This is another reason why finding you after so long excites me, but leave him be. He needs to head back home to his father and his grandfather more or less his family." his hand softly petting Dai on the hip eyes glowing still watching the young wolf with half lidded eyes, his bangs still hanging over eyes as he couldn't help but be so close to the other he wanted someone right now he needed to feel like this. With out it all would leave him bored and more insane than he was before but it was little things like this that made him sane from time to time.

Nikko's Cosplay's,Nikko's Cosplay Cafe, Dapper Dreams Joint Venture
Cosplaying: N/A
Reyo is my Tropical Mistress ~ <3, Lucid is DELISH and the best nana ever!
Is known as Black Japan - Hetalia

Nikko is a beautiful prince.
Old Posted 11-18-2010, 10:47 PM Reply With Quote  
Default   #16   Recilps.Eugor Recilps.Eugor is offline
Proud Army Wife. <3
She endured his touch, allowing his arms, hands and eyes to roam where ever they wished. Radia did not mind the attention he lavished on her. In fact, normally, she would revel in it, but there was something else on her mind. She kept the pale eyes on the seemingly terrified Were. "Darmitri..." The word on her tongue was smooth, and she seemed to take great care in pronouncing it rather slowly, perhaps even seductively.

She felt Vincent's nuzzle, his hand petting her hips, but the simple thought had not disappeared from her mind. It had been a very long time since Radia indulged, since she had a slave. And suddenly, looking at the seemingly terrified Were before her, she wanted one. A sepcific one. She wanted a Were slave. Better than anything, she wanted him. She heard Vincent's suggestion to let the Were wander back to his father, but it fell on nearly deaf ears. "No..." She spoke simply. Radia, if anything, was spoiled. What Radia wanted Radia got. "I want him..." She mused, turning away from Vincent to press her hands on either side of Darmitri's face. "Have you ever has a master, Little Were...?"

And a realization slid across her mind. Here she was, standing between two men, music pulsing in the background. The faint hint of attraction in her air. Perhaps it was the Were, perhaps it were Vincent, mayhaps it was even her. The urge to dance tickled her senses, she wouldn't be able to wait for an answer, there was an itch in her gut that only dancing would cure.

She pushed away from the wall and paced a bit, groaning lightly.

Hey, Draco...
I like your bed...
Can I Slytherin? ;D
Old Posted 11-18-2010, 11:27 PM Reply With Quote  

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