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Azeil Azeil is offline
Shadow's Servant
Default   #641  
Azeil wandered forward towards them, dropping his cover for the time being, but he stayed within the shadows nonetheless. Not to hide, but for a quick escape should it be needed. He paused to stare at the wraith, obviously intrigued. He had been born from shadows, yet he couldn't recall running across these in his entire life. Then again, he wasn't always terribly aware while in the shadows.

"Quite... an interesting creature," he spoke.

(XD I think that Azeil has a thing for short women FYI. Asura's like, 5'3, and Espy's like, a little over five foot... and he's like... somewhere in the low six-foot range.)
Old Posted 12-31-2010, 04:52 AM  
Default   #642   Espy Espy is offline
(Ok, Taishi, Azeil, you guys probably know Espy's character enough, so, yes Taishi, you have my permission to do whatever you want with my character for the next seven hours, provided that you don't stab her (like Cronis does) or nearly crush her lungs (like he did with Storm).

Also, you lurking Coda XD If allowed, Espy is gonna try to beat the crud out of Dacorum tomorrow and probably fail miserbly in the meanwhile.)

Old Posted 12-31-2010, 04:55 AM  
Taishi Taishi is offline
Keeper of Secrets
Default   #643  
Darii'yu took the letter and looked to her own life owner nodding before vanishing back into the shadows to deliver the message handed to her. Taishi smiled weakly falling back onto Dacorum "She will not read... not that it mattered if it was opened, she can read the language of shadows and dragonic" she say with a faint smile.

Tilting her head she looked at Espy "Anything else you would like to know about anything... I can't do much at the moment because I done something I shouldn't have, but I couldn't help it" she say looking at Dacorum contently, she hated feeling like this but to her the weakness was worth it to save him and to protect those close to her

((Okay Espy))

Looking to the Shadow captain she sight "She is not a creature, she is still a being, she has feelings even though she is dead" she say her voice sounding hurt but also angry at what her friend and guardian had been called it was almost as if she herself had been insulted
Unmei no hi Tamashii tai Tamashii
Last edited by Taishi; 12-31-2010 at 05:01 AM.
Old Posted 12-31-2010, 04:57 AM  
Default   #644   Espy Espy is offline
(Er...I just realized that Espy should have helped Dacorum just to seen less suspicious....since she is a medic of sorts, after all...)

Old Posted 12-31-2010, 05:01 AM  
Taishi Taishi is offline
Keeper of Secrets
Default   #645  
((Oopsie... go post on storm before you log off XD))
Unmei no hi Tamashii tai Tamashii
Old Posted 12-31-2010, 05:02 AM  
Default   #646   Taishi Taishi is offline
Keeper of Secrets
((wrong char lol))
Unmei no hi Tamashii tai Tamashii
Old Posted 12-31-2010, 05:06 AM  
Taiye Taiye is offline
Gunblade Master
Default   #647  
Taiye walked out of the forest towards the group of people that were now around Dacorum. She had left after taking down Trey to remove all remnants of her blood from her Gunblade since Taishi was around to help heal Dacorum. She walked up to the group and looked to Taishi, "How's he doing?"
Old Posted 12-31-2010, 05:06 AM  
Default   #648   Azeil Azeil is offline
Shadow's Servant
Azeil raised his hands, spreading his clawed fingers. "I did not mean to insult," he said simply, "Creature... is a term I tend to use for anything non-human." Or not even near human for that matter. Sometimes being. It simply slipped out that way. The captain shrugged and let his hands fall to his side. "I've never seen... someone like her."
Old Posted 12-31-2010, 05:06 AM  
Espy Espy is offline
Default   #649  
(Okies, gonna go sleep before mom gets mad :P I must sound like a ten-yr-old, huh. Feel free to borrow my character if needed.)

Old Posted 12-31-2010, 05:10 AM  
Default   #650   Dacorum Dacorum is offline
Divine Knight
{I'm not sure Espy could take down Taishi at this point, actually, at least not once Dacorum gets back on his feet, if the life-link works the way I think it does.)

Dacorum is conscious and sitting up, cautiously wiping off the poison slowly continuing to be drawn out by Taishi's first spells. I've been better.

(>.> Hush.)
Old Posted 12-31-2010, 05:11 AM  
Espy Espy is offline
Default   #651  
(-slams her head on the desk. One last thought. I stiiiiiiiill don't know who Fakir is.

AND. Since I can't pull myself away from the computer....

2.) Taishi+Taiye/Taiki/Taikimon. Your names confuse Espy.
3.) Honestly, I think this is one way of knowing how an avi forum is awesome: that there are three staff members online in the same thread that you're in.
4.) When the hell did Espy start referrinf to herself in third person? Espy blames Lucid.)

Last edited by Espy; 12-31-2010 at 05:17 AM.
Old Posted 12-31-2010, 05:13 AM  
Default   #652   Taishi Taishi is offline
Keeper of Secrets
Taishi ignored the shadow captain from the moment and looked at Taiye nervously "I done a normal healing but it wasn't enough... " she began and trailed off "I done a life binding... we are binded together now until we die" she said looking down as if she knew she was going to be a scolded child "But he will get better quickly, our joint immune systems are beating out the poison though the inital binding itself has left me in a very vunrable state" she would say not even trying to stand up again as she knew she would just fall down once more

Taishi's eyes now went to the shadow captain as he spoke "I found it very insulting, you where there eaves dropping, you heard her name!" she growled, she wasn't in the best of moods considering how she felt right now but she calmed quickly "She was an Ascent Arco Void in life, she was almost killed but I got in the way and I stopped her death... A person came and done some weird magic rites, a few months afterwards Darii'yu returned as a wraith bound to me until I release her which I have but her duty binds her to me" she say her voice sounding hurt as a tear rolled down her cheek, she blamed herself for what happened to her so many years ago

Her eyes then turned to Dacorum as he moved and spoke "I thought you might have died on me" she said with a small laugh trying to change her mood "But evil don't die so easily, or that's what miss Asura says" she say shaking her head

((Life-link means they can draw on each others strengths and abilitys as if they where their own. congratulations... dacorum has insta heal when he gets cut))
Unmei no hi Tamashii tai Tamashii
Last edited by Taishi; 12-31-2010 at 05:22 AM.
Old Posted 12-31-2010, 05:16 AM  
Azeil Azeil is offline
Shadow's Servant
Default   #653  
His fingers spread again in apology, but he shrugged slightly. "I'm a spy," he reminded, "I heard you speaking of shadows and was curious." The tattoos on his body swirled, fairly uncomfortable being around two other captains, truthfully. He glanced over at Taiye for a moment before he looked at the female once again. "My consciousness in the shadows... is not always strong, so perhaps it is why I have not run into one of her kind." He was not going to apologize again, he did not truly feel all that bad, but he didn't want any more hostility towards himself.

He seemed to perk just slightly at the mention of Asura, and he smirked, thinking of the memories not so long ago... He'd need to catch the woman again, he thought to himself.

(XD Azeil's such a creeper...)
Old Posted 12-31-2010, 05:20 AM  
Default   #654   Taiye Taiye is offline
Gunblade Master
Taiye was surprised to see Azeil at the camp. She was unaware of his betrayal however, so she just assumed that he had been off doing missions like the other Captains.

She looked down at Dacorum, "I'm glad you're okay. I was afraid that we could've lost one of our Captains. On the bright side, we are fairing better than the Corrupt Captains. haha Counting the one that you and I took down, that makes them down 2."

Turning to Taishi, she smiled. "You did what you had to do, and I am grateful."

((@ Espy, I swear I have no relation to Taishi. xD))
Old Posted 12-31-2010, 05:21 AM  
Azeil Azeil is offline
Shadow's Servant
Default   #655  
Azeil relaxed just slightly as it seemed that his other captains did not seem aware. Although he couldn't help but be amused at the mention that they were down two. Sure, but... with a few of their own injured, and not at all counting himself... He supposed that they were roughly even.
Old Posted 12-31-2010, 05:23 AM  
Default   #656   Taiye Taiye is offline
Gunblade Master
((well technically the Corrupt are down even more now since I think Kyren converted Silvary? xDD))

Taiye sighed sleepily. It had been a long and eventful day. She waved her hand to the group before walking off back to her own tent to turn in for the night.
Old Posted 12-31-2010, 05:33 AM  

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